Adaptive Wide Angle Filter photoshop Cs6

If you are creating a panoramic image, you might come up with the “fish eye effect”. Photoshop CS6 has a special tool to correct this called “Adaptive Wide Angle Filter”.  
Adaptive Wide Angle Filter Before/After
To use the tool, open a panoramic image with some fish eye effect, go to Filter > Adaptive Wide Angle. This will open a dialog box.
You can now start tracing lines to correct the effect. First draw the horizontal horizon line, and then you can trace vertical lines to correct the fish eye effect on all parts of the picture that have curves. I
Adaptive Wide Angle Filter
In our example, we have drawn many lines on the columns of the first building on the left, and on the edge of the church on the right. Then you just have to crop the final image. 

#photoshop #Tricks

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